
NFC In Africa

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With the advantage of CNMC's nonferrous metal resources development in Africa as being listed in Fortune 500,NFC has completed KCM shaft-sinking project in Zambia,the first nonferrous metal mine shaft-sinking project undertaken by Chinese enterprise in Africa and won both the national top quality prize and ministerial top quality prize; Chambishi copper mine in Zambia,a landmark cooperation project between China and Africa,is so far the fitst and largest nonferrous metal mine approved by the goverment,undertaken by NFC; Anode coke calcining project in Eygpt, using the most advanced technology in the same industry of the world, is also undertaken by NFC. In addition, NFC has been involved in resoures development of Tala Hamza lead-zinc mine in Algeria...


  • ( 1 )KCM shaft sinking project in ZAmbia —— Construction site

    KCM shaft sinking project for KCM copper mine is the first shaft sinking project for nonferrous metal mine in Africa completed by Chinese contractor. The completion of this project, which includes five independent EPC shaft sub-projects, was awarded by Chinese government the Silver Prize of National Quality Project of 2011.

  • Chairman ZhangKeli and Zambia employee
  • KCM shaft sinking project Construction site
  • (2)Chambishi Copper Mine, Zambia——Contract signing ceremony

    Chambishi copper mine is the first overseas large scale nonferrous metal mine Chinese government approved to develop and is referred to as a landmark project of Sino-African cooperation.

  • Chambishi copper mine Concentrating room
  • Chambishi copper mine Thickener
  • ( 3 )Anode 300kt/a Coke Calcining Project, Egypt——Contract signing ceremony

    The anode 300kt/a coke calcining project in Egypt adopts the most advanced technology in carbon industry. NFC provided engineering design, main equipment procurement, installation and adjustment, project startup and commissioning.

  • Anode Coke Calcining Project site
  • Project at a glance
  • (4)Tala Hamza Zinc mine in Algeria——A panorama of the zinc mine
  • Bulk material handling
  • President Wang at site
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