

The business scope of NFC’s international project contracting not only includes public infrastructure projects like housing, civil buildings, roads and bridges, electrical power, but also highlights the features and edges that NFC has in nonferrous metal industry projects. NFC’s implementation capabilities in nonferrous metal industry projects cover a wide range from technical assistance, technical consultancy, equipment manufacturing and supply to project management and implementation, etc. With an excellent design team, advanced equipment manufacturing bases, highly experienced construction team, well-established industrial projects management process, meanwhile applying the world-leading technologies with Chinese adaptation to the nonferrous metal projects that NFC undertakes, NFC has achieved a great success in nonferrous metal mining, beneficiation and smelting projects, making great contributions to the socio-economic development of the countries where the projects were implemented, providing job opportunities as well and was highly appraised by local government leaders for a number of times. Up to now, several key market regions have been established, for example,  Central and North Asia, Central and South Africa, and neighboring countries. NFC has constantly been following the philosophy through its international project contracting business, namely” Quality is Secured at Every Position and Every Step, and Customers are Satisfied with Every Execution of Contract and Project. We Assume Lifelong Responsibility for Each Project, Protect the Earth by Pollution Prevention and Control and Energy Saving and Ensure Occupational Health and Safety through Risk Control and Daily Care.

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