
Serving Society

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NFC always adheres to the principle of "Prioritize the Quality, Serve the Society and Protect the Environment" in the management throughout all of its overseas enterprises and projects, fully undertaking its social responsibility. Besides providing jobs, the active localization also helps to train managers and technical talents. By donating tuition fees to college students, sport equipment to the local community residents, and medical instruments to medical hospital, sponsoring traditional sport and cultural activities, building infrastructure and constructing staff apartments, NFC fulfills its promise of serving the local society where the projects are located.

  • NFC sponsors the traditional competitions.
  • NFC’s president is warmly welcomed by the local people during the visit to Papua New Guinea.
  • NFC proactively builds bridges and roads to improve the local infrastructure.
  • NFC builds apartments for its international workers
  • NFC provides medical services for local people.
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